Last week I had an exciting opportunity: implement a camera prototype using the Raspberry Pi.

   It’s something that I always wanted to do since I never worked with Raspberry Pi and its components. This post will detail how I managed to finish the task, the struggles, solutions and what tools I used.

Components I used

  • Camera module sensor with 5 MP;
  • LCD 3.5 Touch TFT, 320×480;
  • Raspberry Pi 3 B;
  • 16GB MicroSD Card (class 10);
  • 5V, 2A Power Supply.



   I started searching for which operating system I would need.  The community mostly uses Raspbian, which can be installed using NOOBS installer. The more reasonable choice is to go with the community, so I downloaded and copied the files into the MicroSD, plugged a monitor into the Raspberry Pi HDMI port and started the installation. From the time I started to the time the Desktop initialized, the process took approximately 30 minutes.

   Right away I enabled SSH using the terminal command

to make things more manageable after the 3′ Screen Installation.


Installing the components on Raspberry Pi

     The LCD must be plugged into the onboard GPIO (general purpose input/output) pins, which are shown in Figure 1.



Figure 1 – Raspberry Pi GPIO


   I installed it, double checked everything, and… I could not get the screen to work! Even after following a lot of tutorials, downloading a bunch of drivers, or doing a full reinstall of Raspbian. The problem was: the image appears on the HDMI, but not on the 3′ LCD. After some research, I discovered that this problem is reported all over the internet as a problem of the latest drivers (even the officials) and the Raspbian installed with NOOBS.

   Again, more research, until I found swkim01’s repository on GitHub, with a tutorial with all information I needed. Even the touchscreen calibration and screen orientation steps (which I suggest you read). On the first try, the LCD started working!


raspberry pi screen working

Figure 2 – It’s working!

   Now, after all this struggle, the next step: Installing the Camera. Well, and it was pretty easy actually. It turns out that Raspberry Pi 3 has a dedicated camera port, as shown in Figure 3:


Raspberry Pi 3 camera dedicated port

Figure 3 – Camera port

   So, no much secret here, I plugged in the camera cable, turned the Raspberry on and then enabled it by using the



Camera module support

   The support is excellent! There are built-in commands to take pictures, like

raspistill -o image.jpg
. The only problem I found here, is that there is no support for the camera’s preview on the Touchscreen (the image appears on the HDMI though). The Picamera FAQ reports this:

   The camera’s preview system directly overlays the Pi’s output on the HDMI or composite video ports. At this time, it will not operate with GPIO-driven displays like the PiTFT.

   I found workarounds like raspi2fb or  Adafruit Touchscreen Camera project. But after a little analysis, I decided that the camera preview is not so necessary for what I’m going to do.


Figure 3 – Camera module after installation


Final adjustments and conclusion

   I need to run C++ code implemented with OpenCV, so the library must be used. Since Raspbian is a Linux Distro, I used my tutorial for installing OpenCV on Linux, and everything worked as expected. I also had to compile all my code locally because of the Raspberry Pi’s ARM architecture (g++ handled everything).


Opencv 3.2 on Raspberry pi 3

Figure 3 – Compiling OpenCV


  Now, I can capture the image and then call an algorithm to process it instantly! I tested everything and the Raspberry Pi was capable of running my heavyweight image processing tasks in an acceptable amount of time.

   Well, that concludes my little weekend journey! It was a lot of fun and thanks to what seems to be a great community, I have done the work on time, with everything working correctly.



*(Prof. Dr. Alexandre César Rodrigues Silva provided all  this equipment to be used in the Signal Processing and Digital Systems Lab)