Jean Vitor

Computer Vision/Machine Learning Specialist

About me

Jean Vitor de Paulo, PhD, MSc, BSc

I'm a Computer Vision/Machine Learning Specialist with extensive experience in developing and using cutting-edge algorithms to solve real-world problems.

As a professional with both academic and industry R&D background, I possess theoretical and practical experience in the design, development, and testing of Computer Vision (CV)/Machine Learning(ML) systems.

Specialties: C++/Java/Python, Machine Learning, OpenCV, Image Processing/Computer Vision, Android, Linux.

Contact me


How to use the OpenCV SuperResolution module

Image Super-Resolution (SR) involves leveraging ML to enhance the resolution of an image.

Tensorflow Lite Model Testing on Android

Testing machine learning models on mobile devices can be a time-consuming task in general.

Human Vision Importance in Image Quality: PSNR

The PSNR and the human visual system.

Fool your Machine Learning models with slightly altered images

Fool your models by doing some Pixel Perturbations

How to build and install OpenCV 4 on Windows

Time to learn how to build and install OpenCV 4 on Windows!

Análise de Entropia em imagens

Muitas interpretações foram feitas sobre a entropia de algo, mas em imagens, o que significa?

Entropy and Images: An update!

Here’s an update about the Cake Image Analyzer App!

OpenCV Javascript

How to use OpenCV with Javascript (Opencv.js)

Process images with OpenCV directly inside a web page!